Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Dark Knight - Return of Batman

He's back!! I am not talking about arnie but the Protector of Gotham. the aficionados of the superhero need no introduction to "Batman".
Batman has endeared himself to a whole generation of people and more. who doesnt like a millionare good looking guy by day and the caped saviour by night, the suit making him all the more intriguing. The single distinct quality that differentiates him from the other superheroes he being human. the others are true superheroes literally. born with superpowers they can fly through air, some are the strongest men in the universe like he-man, some are aliens and others some are creepy crawlers like spiderman; but our human superhero is as human as a human can be. he has all the shortcomings of being human and still manages to accomplish the impossible. Well this time, he has even managed to beat the other superheroes at the box office!!! That is tangible success in todays times.

Anyone who knows the tragedy that befells young bruce immediately empathises with him. seeing his parents getting killed scars his young mind. The trauma inflicted on him as a teenager surfaces as the mysterious side of his personality away from the glitz and glamour of his famous life. he decides to dedicate his life for the protection of the truth and fight against anything evil.

his fight is not biased in his favor though. even with his "utility-belt" that coughs up anything and everything, and his trusted steed ; his bat-mobile he is evenly matched by equally cold blooded criminals. Just think of frigid, scarecrow, penguin and above all "the Joker". all of them capable of going one up on the Bat. but our hero saves the day for Gotham everytime.
Watch the trailer of the latest Batman movie here. released in 2008. its been highly anticipated since the release of "Batman Begins"

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